Music Samples from the 2 song EP "COWBOY UP & PARTY DOWN"
Songs with " " icon are available for listening.
1. Cowboy Up & Party Down.
2. Beer Bottle Brown.
To purchase this 2 Song EP (only from DreamPath Productions), click here.

Insights into the songs from the CD "Wish You Were Loving Me"
Songs with " " icon are available for listening.
1. Wish You Were Loving Me Like That : If you see two people in love, it can remind you of the love that got away, that love you can never forget. You see it in their smiles and how they hold each other. You recognize that you had that kind of love once and wish you were in their shoes. It's hard to accept the truth and admit a relationship has finally ended.
2. Heart Above Water : This is a song of attempted survival after the fall of a relationship. Haven't we all felt as if we sometimes can barely keep our "heart" above the drowning level of our own tears? Grab your life jacket for this "sea of emotions"! There's still hope you'll be rescued.
3. I'll Take That As A Yes : This is a deep and personal expression from the artist about adoption. Being an adopted child, the artist expresses the overwhelming emotions of a couple that can't have their own child yet find the joy of receiving their child through adoption. This one is so tender, so sincere.
4. Gringo Loco : This song takes you into the streets of Mexico, following the artist and the great escape of sun-drenched beaches, Mariachi strings and margaritas, which, sad to say, do not allow him to escape his broken heart.
5. You Kissed the Words Right Off My Lips : This is a tribute to attempting to leave a relationship and never quite being able to do it. Oh, the power of "the kiss" can stop the lips from saying good-bye.
6. Dear One: This is a re-production of the 1950's cut originally performed by the Finnerans, this tune is an upbeat, honky-tonker that puts the boots to the floor. We can all relate to the "Dear John" letters of our lives.
7. What She Don't Know: Oh, the guilt of cheating, of lying, of carrying on an affair. Actions speak louder than words and reveal the truth. This song relates the emotions of a person having an affair and reminds us that, what you don't know can hurt you. Insights into the songs from the CD "Wish You Were Loving Me"
8. Jealous Heart: Another cut of true old-fashioned country licks. This song, recorded by Tex Ritter, in 1940, has been re-produced by the artist with a Tex/Mex flavor of jealousy that leaves him dancing without the one he still loves because jealousy drove her away.
9. Gone is the Heartache: Sometimes we're left with a broken heart. The immediate heartache is over but the pain remains deep inside. This song is a swinging touch of country heartache and heartbreak, with great breaks and change-ups that enrich the tune and help you forget you're hurtin'.
10. Credit Card Heaven: We can all relate to this song. We've all had them. Those little plastic cards that make us forget money don't grow on trees. We end up with a stack of bills and no way to pay them. Too bad we can't just spend and never pay! Where is this Credit Card Heaven anyway?!

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